Prepare with Pre-natal Classes

Making time for yourself during pregnancy is so valuable. Join us for Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates classes to keep fit and work on suppleness while preparing for the arrival of your little one.

Read member’s experiences
Read Holly Hood’s (BoCo teacher) birth story

 Benefits of classes during Pregnancy

• Enjoy Pregnancy specific exercise to practise safely

• Ease stress and worry through breathing techniques

• Strengthen your pelvic floor muscle control to prevent incontinence and aid in labour

• Strengthen abdominal and gluteal muscles to support and stabilise the pelvis and spine

• Reduce musculo-skeletal pain and improve postural awareness

• Stretch spinal and upper limb muscles to relieve tension

• Aid relaxation and advise on positions of relaxation

• Learn tools to help avoid shortness of breath and indigestion as baby grows

• Maintain effective circulation to aid with swelling

• Incorporate positions for labour into your exercise programme

You can start from 12 weeks of pregnancy and continue to your due date

Both Yoga and Pilates are so useful during pregnancy - try both!
You may find one suits you better than the other, or attend a mix depending on your schedule

What to expect in a Pregnancy class
Both Yoga and Pilates will help ease the natural changes taking place in the body. Our teachers will ensure you work safely to keep the body toned and supple without strain, whilst preparing for the physical demands of childbirth and motherhood. 
The aim is to strengthen the body and prepare it for birth, and to alleviate discomforts common during pregnancy - such as lower back pain, pelvic pain, heartburn, indigestion, swollen joints, breathlessness, tiredness and sleep disturbances.

The difference between Pregnancy Yoga and Pilates classes
Yoga classes consist of postures and breathing exercises and include relaxation techniques to relieve tension from your body and calm your mind. Tips which can help during labour are practised.

Pilates classes focus a little more on keeping core muscles strong to support your pregnancy. Breath and movement are synchronised which is intrinsically calming to your parasympathetic system.


General Classes suitable for Pregnancy
If the Pregnancy class times don’t suit you, our Gentle Yoga and Gentle Pilates classes have variations suitable for all levels and for pregnancy. We will speak to teacher in advance of your joining so they know to expect you and can give you any extra input during the class. These classes are listed on our Timetable.

If you have any questions or would like some advice, don’t hesitate to call or email us

We can organise a chat for you and the teacher before a group class to ask any exercise specific questions, talk through any injuries/ pregnancy related issues and put you at ease.