Our Members


The phrase - 'you cannot pour from an empty cup' embodies the idea that 'me -time' is essential to having more energy in order to have 'prime-time' to spend in the most constructive and valuable way on family, friends, work and still have time to do all the things that nourish us. Our members say the benefit of being a BoCo member helps to 'fill their own cup'.

It is such a privilege to have so many of members who have been with us for 10 years or more. When we started, we had a good number of people who were beginner or had not done much Yoga/Pilates before. Those still with us all say they feel that BoCo has become such an intrinsic part of their life to make time for their mind and body. The time that we take for 'self-care' is more and more important in this busy world. We feel our holistic approach subscribes to the idea of ' putting one's own oxygen mask on' . To move our body with the intention of 'maintenance' rather than just doing more 'wear and tear', to appreciate the value of nature's design in our body and to be able to relax - rather than collapse at the end of a busy day are some of the focuses that are at the heart of how we run classes at BoCo.

Without a balance between heart, mind and body and the energy we expend having ease, purpose and focus, life is just less smooth. Moving our bodies and giving our mind the time to slow down and focus on the movements and the breath is a powerful way to create the perfect conditions for this balance. Our members keep coming back for 'me-time'.

We love that our members span almost 65 year age range.

We have those who start pre-natal classes with their first baby and we see then them for post natal courses and then for another set of prenatal classes :). Some of those members now have the time for day-time/evening general classes with kids now at school age.

We have those who were really fed up at not having been able to address some chronic issues who found that BoCo classes helped where others had not.

We have those who only stopped coming because they were moving area - some lovely enough to say that BoCo had become the only 'con' to moving away but sadly needed to concede to all the pros. Lovely to see some of them back in our virtual studio.

We have some just coming because we are their closest studio and some don't join because they find that they need to get away a bit further to 'switch off'!

We have members who have moved away and then drop in for classes when they visit family in the area.

We have members who come once a week and those that sometimes manage six classes a week.

Some members come to only one teacher but the majority really enjoy the variety of approaches that the BoCo Teaching Team offer.


See what our members say themselves: Testimonials and come and find out for yourself what BoCo can do for you.