Strength, suppleness, serenity & steadiness

Small classes, individual attention, high-quality teaching since 2005
We welcome all ages and levels of experience. If you are feeling disconnected to your body and want to regain some suppleness and strength, we do it the gentle way. If you want some stronger classes and to come a couple of times a week, we have a great selection of active classes to choose from. We have over 20 general classes, 4 pregnancy classes and 4 post-natal classes to choose from. You can continue online or mix and match with studio classes. Even if you are coming online, you’ll feel the vibe of our serene and peaceful studio.
At BoCo Yoga & Pilates, we offer Gentle and Active classes. You’ll find classes and teachers that suit you. Flexible bookings and payment options allow you to choose classes that fit with your routine. Let us know if you want a studio or virtual space and we’ll book you in or send you the class link accordingly.
Wide range of general classes with the choice of attending online or in person at the studio as well as pregnancy, meditation and classes suitable for mums and babies.
Our classes are currently limited to a maximum of 12 attendees in the studio with 8 on the Zoom screen. For online classes, the teacher will always be on ‘the same page’ as you to give individual instruction as needed.
Check timetable for options.
You can find our registration forms and booking details here.
Then, email us at with the class you’d like to join specifying if you want to come in person or on screen. We’ll then book you in to the studio or send you the Zoom link.
See feedback from our members.
Current Precautions and Procedures
BoCo is inclusive. Anyone can register for classes: old, young, tall, short, vaccinated and non-vaccinated. We do not support any medical mandating.
We are still maintaining extra distance between mats and are studio spaces are limited to a maximum of 11 rather than 14 as before. Book to come in-person but for coming online, members will have all links and can join any class without the need to book in advance
Store your shoes under the bench and then go straight into the studio to hang bags and coats. The nature and use of the studio has the advantage that there is no need for much contact with any surfaces.
We do ask you to bring your own mat please.
Other equipment will be supplied and in rotation to ensure each class has fresh and sanitised props.
Why choose BoCo?
If you want a ‘small studio’ feel as opposed to a gym setting, BoCo classes will give you a calm and relaxed environment to practise in. Whether at the studio or online, we’ll be on the same page as you!
Our teachers will give you clear instructions and individual guidance – we don’t just lead classes. Whilst our teachers come from a diverse range of trainings, what they all have in common is huge passion for teaching what they love. A key BoCo principle is that each member can find their own balance in the process. Both Yoga & Pilates work well in their own right as well when used together. If ‘variety is the spice of life’, then we have it in abundance at BoCo.
Apprehensive about starting?
We have a wide range of members - age group and experience, you won’t feel out of place. Many members are surprised at how quickly they look forward to their classes. Whether you feel too stiff, not flexible enough or not sure how you’ll manage in a group class, this is the best place to start!
Let us put you at ease
We are available to chat or arrange an online video call to talk through your needs. Or you can visit the studio to talk to us and see the space.
Online or Studio class?
It’s up to you - online classes will continue for people shielding but also for the convenience. Nothing beats a face-to-face class - even if you just prefer an occasional one! We’re here to help every step of the way. During Lockdown even our members in their 70s were practicing their weekly classes. View our Timetable (button in the header) for options. For information on how to book, click here and then email us to book as it suits you returning our registration forms.
Whether you are a novice or have experience, tired or feeling energetic, we have a class to suit your mood.
Choose from a Gentle or Active class for Yoga & Pilates or see the timetable for Wellbeing classes to refresh and restore.
Therapies at BoCo
BoCo is home to therapists from a wide range of both body-based and talking therapies. Follow the links for more details and contact them direct to discuss your needs and/or book an appointment.
Talking Therapies
Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counselling
Speech & Language Therapy
Transformational Coaching
Well being Coaching
Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)
More information here
Alternative Medicine Therapies
Fertility Acupuncture
Japanese acupuncture for babies and children
More information here
Looking for space to rent?
Follow the links below for more information:
Treatment Room to rent
Counselling Room to rent
Body-based Therapies
Sports Rehabilitation
Diagnostic 1-2-1 sessions
Yoga Therapy
More information here
“The online classes have been working well for me and have allowed me to do my own reconnecting and rebalancing. It has been wonderful to keep the wider BoCo community connected online.”
— C.M. Claygate [Annual BoCo Member]